
Showing posts with the label Thinking

Pareto’s Principle: 80–20

I read this principal and I want to share with you all, if we talk about . who’s this Pareto guy and why do we care? Well, Pareto was an Italian economist. He observed that, in any give endeavour, 80 present of the rewards we receive come from only 20 present of the effort. He’s telling us that only 20 present of the work we do will lead us to most of the rewards in life.  That’s pretty depressing! We will be rewarded for only 20 % of the work we do? Well, not quite, but most of our reward does come from a very small percentage of our work. So what does it mean to us? How do we use this information? Knowing this allows us to prioritize our work appropriately. We will want to put the things that we believe will bring us the proper rewards A: Personal B: Professional C: Organizational—high on our priority list and everything else lower.   Important..... As we think about arranging our work, we need to remember Pareto’s Principle.

Positive thinking …. Opens doors….

We all want to achieve good in life. But very few can achieve what they want from there life. I we analysis this the we find our these are the fallowing question are very important for us but we never get answerer 1) What is success? 2) What is root of success? 3) What need to do for success.. etc.. Apart from this we always see others and try to find out how he got success, and others weakness and mistake etc. The conclusion is positive thinking. We need to be in hobbit of thinking positive and managing risk with risk management ability. Ups and downs are part of life. We don’t have control on macro problems but we can control and manage micro problems. Life has given beautiful natural gifts “control on thoughts, dreaming, analyzing ability, learning ability, and liberty to choose door of life. We need to utilize the gift of natural gift whit positive thinking… we have all option open we can choose greedy life or balance life ultimately ...