Online Ordering, Food Service Business

For restaurants (QSR/ SAR), group ordering can be a huge pain or provide a huge gain dependent upon how you line it.  If you have an online ordering system in place, it is more likely to result in the latter than the previous.
Companies, teams, colleges, clubs, and Temples/ Masjid, ongoing customer are ideal customers because of the potential for regular, high-volume orders. A restaurant that offers the convenience of online group ordering and deferred payment is an attractive choice for these groups.
With online ordering, one satisfied customer can easily turn into a bundle of ongoing groups of customers.
How to accomplish this may be as easy as a click of a cell phone, tablet or laptop by offering:
·         Easy online group ordering that simplifies the ordering process.
·         Ease payment terms.
·         Advance ordering – so they can place an order now for a meeting or event next week.
·         List online service provider like Food Panda, Zomato etc. 


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