Perfect Analogy

Have you ever noticed little drops of water along a sloping ground? If you have, you must have seen that initially, all of them are almost of the same size. Individually, none of them can reach the drain (their destination). But, eventually, these little drops of water get together, (as we are on a sloping ground) and form a bigger droplet. And then these bigger droplets join their counterparts to grow even bigger,...and eventually they reach where they want to, i.e., the drain. BUT, in the process, as the droplets increase in size, they leave behind some of their part.

While observing this, it struck me, that their strategy of reaching their destination so comparable to the methodology adopted by humans. We also meet so many people in life, get together, take each other’s help, use, and abuse and exploit each other (!), in reaching our goals. We can’t reach our destination all by our self. And, in the process, we leave behind some of those people who helped us reach where we are today; probably because we feel that they are no longer useful to us, or they have grown old, or have stopped performing, or have become outdated. And eventually we feel that it’s better to leave them, and move ahead.................... As we don’t want our growth to be stunted because of them

But, we should never forget what their contribution was, in getting us here today.
Each and every person you meet, leaves an impact in your life, and has a role in getting you where you are. Even if one of them were missing, you wouldn’t have been where you are today. Do acknowledge the presence of people if your life. Don't take anyone for granted. The loss of losing them, maybe more than what you expect.


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