The greatest discovery of our generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitude
An attitude is a supposed construct that represent an individual’s degree of like and dislike for something attitude are generally positive or negative views of person, place, things, event
Our attitude contribute to success..
Factors that determine our attitude: Let me tell you, we don’t born with attitude, we develop our attitude as we mature. Most of our attitudes were shaped during our formative years.
E’s of Attitude:
1) Environment
2) Experience
3) Education
We need to evaluate each of these factors individually
We must have positive attitude, the benefits of a positive attitude
1) Makes for a pleasing personality
2) Is energizing
3) Increase enjoyment in our life
4) Inspire others around you
5) Helps us become a contributing member of society etc.
But the consequences of a negative attitude
1) Anger
2) Bitterness
3) A purposeless life
4) Ill Health
5) High stress levels for themselves and other
6) Don’t like life
So we need to develop positive attitude in life and that must be positive, “attitude is a little thing which makes big difference “
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