Individual Leadership Idea

Individual leadership is one of the most important asset in life. It Includes ideas on things you can do to make sure you’re performing well on personal leadership behaviors. Self-assess your performance and work on improving where you’re coming up short:

  • Act with honesty & integrity: Always act with honesty & integrity. While you’re at it, look around – you’ll be judged by the company you keep. Are you comfortable with what that judgment will be?
  • Place a top on facts & logic: Recognize the role emotions play in business (it’s bigger than you might think), but place a top on facts & logic. They’ll win out eventually. Are you a fact-based leader?
  • Figure out your purpose & priorities: It’s vital to figure out your purpose & priorities, but you also have to be open to modifying them at some point, too. Do you know and embrace what really matters?
  • Seeking out and listening to varied points of view: Continually challenge yourself to grow and expand by seeking out and listening to varied points of view – even ones you disagree with completely. How varied is the group you reach out to for perspectives?
  • Be distinctive: Give people lots of people lots of good things to remember you by. Is it clear to those in your organization where you’re adding distinctive value?
  • Identify one or two ways you can help them: When you meet someone, along with remembering their name and asking them questions about themselves, identify one or two ways you can help them. How many people are on your current “helping them” list?
  • Shut up and listen for a minute – you hardly ever learn while you’re talking. Are you known as a listener?
  • Communicate your ideas in multiple ways: Learn how to communicate your ideas in multiple ways so you can be ready to share them in the forms your audience is willing to hear them. Is your communication repertoire multi-dimensional?
  • Try lots of things: Make sure you try lots of things because no one thing will work in every situation. When something doesn’t work, acknowledge it and learn everything you can to get better next time. Do you have lots of possibilities underway?
  • Constructively challenge ideas to find what’s “right,” realizing not everyone has the same definition of “right.” Are you known for a level of tact that allows you to push hard without people even realizing it?
  • Bring intensity to what you do along with passion. And work your butt off. Well?


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