Millennials Impact to Food Service and 4Cs Use

Millennials make up a quarter plus of the population in India- I think other parts of the world as well, they are growing faster - understanding them & food, consumption trends/ eating habits are very important for food solution company's & Hospitality channel with long & short business plan, branding. On a whole, millennials are more educated, tech-savvy and mobile than previous generations – so they have different expectations about their dining experiences.
*Millennials (also known as the Millennial Generation or Generation Y, abbreviated to Gen Y) are the demographic cohort between Generation X and Generation Z. (Source – Wikipedia)
The 4Cs below show you what millennials want in food today and tomorrow
Convenience/ Quick Service:
Convenience and quick-service casual dining concepts are key to getting more millennials into your restaurant/ Food Service area. They expect the cafe quality food at fast speeds or a wide delivery menu to match their "on-the-go" lifestyle
Cost / value added saving:
Millennials are mostly young working professional/ students or just starting out in their careers, so they are more likely to opt for dining options with good value.
Such as.
1)   Combo /Value added Packs
2)   Percentage of Discount on regular dining customer
3)   Rewards based saving    
4)   Group Offers
They will often choose dishes with variety, as these can be shared with their group of friends. Creating a variety of dishes gives millennials more cost options, and offering affordable menu bundles gives them food quality and saving
Customization Option:
Millennials love varieties and diverse flavors when it comes to ingredients and dining experiences.
This gives them control and pleasure, satisfaction, especially for those who are more adventurous in their food choices.
To start why not give them a base and re-designing cooking ways with help of food solution & technology products, 80-90 % cooked food and let them add on to their favorite ingredients?
That way, you reduce waste too!
Connection /Social Platform:  
Now Millennials live in digital life, millennials are all about sharing their favorite dining experiences on social platform – from food preferences to recommendations. Social platform to promote your eatery is a great way to have millennials spread the word about your business. This also keeps the interaction going after the meal is over.


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